Please look for the important PEDIGREE announcement at the bottom of the blog. We heard about this late in the game!
Stella here: I know it has been a long time since you have heard from me. Last time Zkhat got to write and she keeps poking me that now its my turn. Nothing special going on but you know what? Its 63 degrees F. at 5:22 and its been there most of the day. It feels very fine to all three of us.
Here is a picture of my side kick, Ali Zophia (Zkhat) on my Mom's bed. She sleeps and then she gets up and looks out the window. That is her day.
Here is me, sleeping on my own bed, I got a new rawhide yesterday and so I sleep and then I chew on my bone. That is my day. My Mom says some peoples don't give their pups rawhide because of choking on it, I guess. My Mom buys me the kind that are kind of like a big cigar, long and wrapped up tight. I just chew on the ends of it, so I don't get big pieces off of it. Its very good!

My Mom's day was mostly finishing a book she started. She says maybe we are getting ready for winter!
We are very happy summer is getting done with because it has been way too hot for us. Our family likes it cooler. I guess I already said that.
Zkhat wants to say hi to her sweetie mancat, Tober, the Librarian and I want to say hi to my BFF Tsar who is far away from me where its still HOT. Cool off soon, Tsar!
Wishing you all a pleasant Labor Day Weekend and a nice ride into
Stella and the gang (My Mom says I might win an award for the boringest blog, is that a real thing?
Peeess: My Mom wants me to tell you that she put some new music up yesterday and it turned out to be a Ray Charles Labor Day Festival with 11 RC songs!
"The Write a Post, Help a Dog" program is aimed at raising awareness and food for the more than four million dogs that wind up in shelters and breed rescues each year.
For each blog post mentioning the Pedigree Foundation from now until midnight ET on September 3, Pedigree will donate 20 pounds of its new dry Pedigree recipe food for dogs -- its best recipe ever -- to a shelter, because every dog deserves leading nutrition.
The Pedigree Foundation -- a 501 (C)(3) nonprofit organization is committed to helping dogs by providing grants to shelters and rescues and encouraging dog adoption. This year the Foundation has already raised more than $376,570 against its goal of $1.5 million to carry out its work to fund grants that not only help shelters operate, but to further shelter innovations.
The Pedigree Foundation depends on charitable contributions from individuals to carry out its mission to help dogs find loving homes.
Thanks, Pedigree! from a former shelter resident named Sasha!
Now, Stella
Your blog is SOOO NOT boring Stella!! We love days like yours!! Especially the 63 degrees all day part!!
Dory, Jakey and Bilbo
in Texas where it is still over 90 degrees!
Hi Stella, Today was hot again but the weather dude says that tomorrow and the next day are both going to be cooler in the 70s. I can't wait. I think I'll sit on the hill all morning, then take a nap. Wish you could be here to join me.
Love, Tsar
Hi Y'all,
Even here in the cooler mountains it's been HOT. The good thing is that nights and early mornings are cool.
We're lookin' forward to this cold front! Hope it comes as promised!
Hope y'all enjoy your Holiday! Looks like it might get rained out here.
Y'all come by now,
Hawk aka BrownDog
Hi Beautiful Stella! Napping, chewing and reading sound like perfectly wonderful ways to spend a Saturday afternoon. Mom really liked the Ray Charles/Count Bassie 'How Long Has This Been Goin' On'. she always visits iTunes after visiting your blog!! Have a good weekend!
-Gizmo, Bart and Ruby
We miss you when you don't blog - never boring at all!!! That's a great pic of Ali Z., we hardly ever see her pretty face. And of course, Stella, you are looking quite comfy on your bed there. We don't get rawhide here, but we bet it is very good. It is a lot easier to have those kinds of long lasting treats when you are the only dog in the house:)
We are expecting some cooler temps tomorrow - we are so hoping they are right this time.
Happy Labor Day to you and Mom too.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
Your blogs are NEVER boring. Me would miss you lots if you weren't dere!
Have a nice {long} weekend!
Stella, your blog is far from boring! Actually we think we might have a really boring blog. Sometimes it bores us to read about us! You both look great and it sounds cool there. It's very hot and humid here with bad storms. Mom can't get on the computer because of the storms so she takes naps....lots of naps. We do too. Lots of love, Holly & Mom
Hi Stella Up Over, you most certainly are not boring. We love to hear from you. I love sleeping and chewing and mum loves reading, although I seemed to have put an end to that lately hehehe. No worries, and love, Stella
Miss Stella,
It is good to see you. I am happy that summer is ending too. Way too hot!
Hi Stella!
Good to see you again. You should shush up about being boring cos you know we all love you the way you is and I think all three of your days sound just pawfect! I went to a car boot sale today.
~lickies, Ludo
Darn it I was too late. It's September 4!
Your blog is most certainly not boring, Stella. MINE is!! (Because I barely have the time to write anymore :( )
I love hearing from you Stella! I'm glad that you can eat rawhides. My dogs chew off huge chunks, and once, a long time ago, one of them got it stuck in his intestine. That required surgery. So, no more rawhides here until we maybe someday get a dainty chewer like you!
I'm glad that it's cooling down for you. It is here too!
Hi Stella!
Glad to know its cooling down over there!
Over here is still hot but we had some cloudy and cool evenings last couple of days for a bit. As long as i get my walks in the morning and evening along the beach, to catch the sunrise and sunset, i'm happy and grateful!!
We love reading your posts, dont stop blogging!!
Maxx and mommy
Hi Stella
You could never ever write a boring post. You just don't have it in you I'm afraid. It's always interesting to read about stuff to chew, for starters. I like rawhide, although I don't get it very often. Gail has had her nose in a book a lot recently, although that's OK 'cos one of them was about how to be nice to us dogs.
Enjoy the end of Summer. We had the kind of summer here that, if you blinked you missed it..
Toodle pip!
It is in the everyday moments that we grow closer and learn more about each other. We love thinking about you lounging in the afternoon, casually looking out of the window or nomming a rawhide as your mom sits curled comfortably reading.
Thanks for mentioning the Pedigree program, although we did not know of it, we are proud that you hopped right onboard and helped our furbrothers in need.
Hi Stella, Hi Beautiful Ali! I'm catching up again. My people are really irresponsible about helping me read and comment lately. One of them took a LONG LONG weekend over Labor Day and I didn't get nearly as many tummy rubs as I deserve!
Don't let your mom say your blog is boring. You should reprimand her for that! Maybe she has it confused with some other blog?
Thanks for sharing the update of what's been going on with you. We all here hope you had a wonderful summer and we are looking forward for cooler weather coming this autumn. Have a wonderful upcoming weekend.
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