Hi All you Kitties and Pups!

Here is a picture of me, sitting at the kitchen table, all relaxed and comfy. Then I get a visitor!
Stella always has some good idea about me going off in the other room with her, but I tell her no, I am comfy where I am.
I am not so scared of her anymore though, even after she put her mouth on my head. She has lots of chances to be mean to me and she doesn't. I think she does want to be friends and play, but she is just too rough for a cat. Now almost all of my time is spent downstairs with Stella and our Mom. I still go upstairs for my afternoon nap though, but I have done that all the time I lived here. Us cats are kind of kwerky sometimes.
The weather is very bad here and both Mom and Stella have what they call Cabin Fever. Its been warmer, thawed some, then froze so there is ice under the snow and its very hard walking around, which both Mom and Stella like to do. Tonight its snowing and winding and very unpleasant out there. We are going to be getting lots more snow.
My Mom said when the weather gets nice she will get a little harness and leash for me and I could go walking with her and Stella.
That will be the day! hehe! I'm glad we are all friends, but THAT is really pushing it!
So I wish everyfurry one good food, good health and good sleeps.
Ali Zophia
Fur sure: I want to see woo strolling down the street!!!
Please be nice to my furiend!
AND tell your mom to be khareful out there on the khombo of footings/etc!
Hi Ali Z. I thinks you will love going out for walks, there be all sorts of things to sniff and see. Very good that you and Stella have made a truce now.
~lickies, Ludo
Nice to hear that you have Stella under control.
Princess Eva
P.S. It's raining here.
Wow, you guys are so close together...we are very impressed!
Let us know when you get your harness Ali-Z and we'll come over for a laugh....BOL!
Slobbers xx
I don't think I am supposed to be talking to a cat, but if sister Stella likes you, I guess I can let it slide this once. Good luck with the ice, today everything we got yesterday melted, and Mommy says NO MORE!
Licks, (wait your a cat, no licks...)
Hi Ali Z!!!
you look gorgeous sitting on your chair!!!
and we're sure that Stella loves you sooooooo much...for that she wants you near her!!!
she's a wonderful sister for you...
take care of you...
we love you soooooooooooo much!!!!!
kisses and licks!!!
Does your Mom serve woo your meals at that table too? Ha rooo.
Nice to see woo and Stella in the same room. We are sorry for the bad weather - ice is not good. Our Mom won't take us for walkies if there is any sign of ice - too much risk for her of falling and breaking a bone.
Hope things get warmer and thaw all that ice.
Tail wags, the OP Pack
Ali, you are just too lovely!
Please tell your humans we can empathize with all this miserable weather. Spring must be somewhere just around the corner, though!
omdog a cat on a LEASH?! I dunno about all that, LOL. I hope the weather gets better for you guys!!
Like Khyra, I want to see you walking in your harness!
Kisses and hugs
Hi Ali Z! It's great to see you and Stella making progress! Be patient with her, OK?
Tail wags,
PS: Mom was very excited to get an email from your mom and will write back soon!
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