Hello all you Kitties and Pups! Zoolatry made me a new header, isn't it nice? Once again we have a lot to talk about, so lets just move on to the mail.
Mack and Sally Ann wrote and asked this question: If you found a family you liked better than yours, would you like for the new family to cat-nap you? My advice to that, Sally, is Heaven's NO! If I wanted to go live with another family, I would just find one I'd like and go. No catnapping needed! Now I may bring some unpleasant experience to that question, having been moved to three different homes, it is quite traumatic for a cat to just be packed up and moved, even though you might like the family. Sometimes they get DOGS after you move in!
Cocorue asked me this question: If we were to meet, would you know how to charm me as I'm indifferent to kitties who somehow don't like moi? Hmm, Coco, that is a rather touchy question, isn't it? I don't usually make it my business to charm dogs and indifference isn't always a Bad thing, you know. I try to be pleasant and to get along, however, I don't care for fast moving dogs or being chased, and I am sure you would understand that. Keep things quiet and gentle, and we'll be fine. Write again sometime!
A rather long, disturbing letter came from Mango last week. Dear Mango, I am very happy you have your own special Dog Cave in your home, and a nice yard to lie around in. Have you ever thought of visiting a Doggy Therapist to talk about the bags of kibble that attack you in your van, or being attacked by Bison Freeze (?) puppies, or the furniture that moves around all by itself? I think this might bring some comfort to you if you did that. I am not acquainted with someone to refer you to, but perhaps your dear mother might find someone special. Hugs to you, Mango!
Max of South Africa, a very regular correspondent wrote asking me if I know How Do Cats Purr?
Of Course, Max, that is elementary information for a Cat, just like you know about a dog's bark!
We cats have some special wiring! The wiring travels from the brain to the muscles in the voice box, and this wiring is able to vibrate the muscles so that they act as a valve for air flowing past the voice box. The muscles work work both during inhalation and exhalation, which creates the impression that cats can purr continuously. The air passes through the valve, which opens and closes rapidly to create the purring sound. My mom loves it because she can't hear it, but can feel it with her fingers under my chin! Thanks for writing, Max.
Kira the Bewootiful asked "How do the litter box treats get in there and why does my Mom get rid of them." Oh dear, Kira, this is quite simple to answer, the kitties put them there and your Mom doesn't want you to eat them. You don't eat them, do you? They are doggy no-nos! Write again sometime!
Cloud the Wonder Dog wants to know what cats think about when we lay around 20 hours a day?
Well, Cloud, I can't speak for other cats, but I certainly don't "lay around" for 20 hours a day. I love to practice my piano, write haiku poetry, and have the beginning of a book started,I love to paint. What do you like to do beside bark at squirrels?
(Cloud has his own Questions and Answers on Monday)
The OP Pack wrote asking how I got my name! Somewhere I told you all that this is my third home. My first name was Allison, then I went to live with my Grandma and Grandpa and they called me Al. When I came here my Mom said she thought a cat deserved an exotic name and changed me to Ali Zophia, which is my favorite. I don't come to it, but I like it! Thanks for asking!
Sammie, Chester, Huffle, we just are out of room and will save your letters until next week. Keep writing , pups and kitties, and I will too.
Meow! Ali Zophia
Woo have SOOOOOO much to purr!
PeeEssWoo: Hi Stella! Did it snow YET?
hello ali z its dennis the vizsla dog hay yoo shoor ar gitting lots of mayl theez days!!! yoo shud rite a buk of advise or sumthing and then yoo cud go on televizhun and git intervyood just like tucker did that wun time!!! only ummmmm dont start rampaydjing arownd the set eeting evrything in site like he did or they mite not invite yoo bak i am shoor yoo woodnt do that ennyway but just in kayse i thawt i wood menshun it ok bye
Are you sure that purring isn't just a form of revving your engine for a good game of zoomies with Stella?
Princess Eva
Ok Ali-z,
YOU are officially my favourite cat!!!
You are the first cat EVER to have answered that question with a bit of sense. THank you for that...seriously!
When I try to purr, I leave my mouth open, so I suppose that doesn't count as purring...just panting!
Question for next week:
You really are the greatest cat ever! We love this Tuesday Q&A.
Lovely post and interesting to see what others are asking too.
Love ya lots
Thanks for the advice, I think.
that poem is from me stella! love guinness
WOW, Miss Ali! I must say that I am impressed wiff your answers and wiff all the stuff you do all day. I thought all cats were like Boomer, just lying around and lording it over everyone, but I can see that you DO stuff while lording it over everyone. Impressive!
So, my question is... since you seem to think I am wasting my time wiff chasing, barking, and striking fear into the hearts of squirrels, what would you suggest I do instead??? Besides hangin' wiff mom, squirrel patrol is my life! I would be quite lost wiffout it!
PS. I really look forward to your Tuesday posts, Miss Ali. :-)
I just love this column Ali Z! You are indeed very wise! Keep the advice coming!
Hugs ox
Sammie and Ozzie too
Thanks for answering our question, Ali Z. We love hearing how pets come to have their names - and we agree, yours is quite exotic.
Love the header made especially for you.
Tail wags, the OP Pack
Ali Z - we really think you are one very smart cat - have you ever thought of becoming a dog?
love you lots
Martha & Bailey xxxx
Ali Zophia is a perfect cat name. I love to hear how pets get their names. Stella is also a wonderful name in my book. My sister is actually considering naming her daughter that. I love your blog. I hope we can be friends.
Kasha and Africa
Hi Ali Z
So much good advice and interesting information. If I were not a Westie I might even take some notice....
Cheers, H.
Wowzers! Do you really play the piano? What kind of music do you play?
Play bows,
I didn't know that's how you got your name. I like it a lot.
Huffle Mawson
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