Yesterday my Mom got me a new bone to chew on and I have this one in my mouth a lot of the time but never when she wants to flashie me with it!
We had a bad thunderstorm last evening and I got bad scared of it. I hate that big noise and so I have to just follow my Mom around the house because I don't want to be by myself when it BOOMS! She calls me her velcro dog when I do this, and she tells me not to be afraid, but I just can't help it.
Ali Z isn't scared a bit and just flounces around like usual but maybe she is too dumb to know that the BOOMs might hurt you.
Do any of you guys get scared of the storms? I know Joe Stains does and he is a brave guy so he would Know if it is something to be scared of.
My Mom says there might be more coming today, its all cloudy and cool out, but ohhh! I hope NOT!
Be careful if one comes to you!
We are scared of the boom too! hope the storm passed you by! you look nice in your picture.
Poor Stella!
I'm okay with them but khousin Merdie needs doggie downers when they are khoming or she'll khlaw the kharpet/khloset/house apart!
Poor Joey really gets rattled by 'em -
I so wish my furiends wouldn't get sooooooo furry upset!
PeeEssWoo: Nice toy!
You know, Stella, we get some unusual weather around here - furry big tornadoes, etc.
Usually it doesn't bother me much when we have big thunderstorms, which is not uncommon. If they get too big I worry that Mom might get nervous, so I stay close to her to protect her. Isn't that thoughtful of me?
Storms don't bother me, but I can understand how you are afraid, just stay close to your mom - it's a great excuse to get the extra lovin'.
Hi Stella! The storms can be very scary but mom is always there to calm us down!
Rufus and Indie
Oh yes, Phantom doesn't like the storms either but he seems more bothered BEFORE the storm gets here than once it is happening. Hope you don't have any more bad storms for lots of days.
Tail wags, the OP Pack
Hey Stella! We're just getting caught up on blogs. Yes, ironically I am the one here who doesn't care for small 's' storms. Rescue Remedy helps me a little; has your mom tried that?
Tail wags,
Storms (capital "S")
Fortunately, of all of The Herd's challenges, thunderstorms are not one of them. They pretty well ignore the booms.
Ali Z is very brave! I am scared of storms too and I usually have to sit under mum's seat to be safe.
Huffle Mawson
Hi, Stella!
Don't be scared! Bark at the booms and they will go away!
Well, that is what I do!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
We had the big booms last night, too. Scout and I were very scared and got in bed with Mama and Daddy. Sounds like we need our own club for those of us scared of the big booms.
The Scared Greyhound
Out here in San Diego we hardly ever get storms, but back in New York, the first time Tucker heard thunder, he ran out into the backyard and looked up into the sky to see what it was. Guess that's because he's from gundog stock!
I'm scared of the boomies too. But Momma gives me Rescue Remedy and makes me wear my "storm shirt". It's just a stretchy shirt that she bought in the kids dept at Target but it's comforting.
Princess Eva
We're with you... those boomers send us shaking and running! Not even bones will help to distract us during loud storms.
Thanks for stopping by and wishing Fergi well. We're happy to have friends praying for her. She's doing good. We're crossing our paws for good news on Friday (or so.) If you hear a big boomer, it just might be us celebrating that good news!
Lovin your pretty black coat,
Jake and Fergi
Oh Stella,I do feel for you. Thunderstorms are VERY scary. I find the best way of coping is to follow Gail round the house barking loudly. Fortunately, although we complain about the weather a lot here in Scotland, we do not often get thunder and lightening.
Cheers! H.
Hi Stella! It's very nice to meet you! At our house, when the thunderboomers come, Penny and Patches bark like crazy. They think they can bark the thunder away. Penny gets so nervous that our mom and dad put a t-shirt on her. For some reason, that calms her down. We don't know why, but it works!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
Good luck with the storms. We don't really get storms where we live but it rains most of the time. I think I might rather have the storms.
Hi Sis!! I got my package and I LOVE IT!! I have been wearing it around all day since I opened it. I think you helped her make it cause I sniffed and sniffed cause I could smell my sister scent! I sure am very thankful to have a sister like you!! I will see if I can get Mom to post the pictures of it, but I wanted you to know I really appreciate all the hard work your Mommy did to make it for me!
Sis Kylie
We're back ... we wanted to stop by and thank you for your encouraging words as Fergi has been making her way through the past few days. Now that the worst is over and promises of health and vigor lie ahead, she plans to do (almost) EXACTLY what you said, "take it easy and then cut loose!" (She may break a few "take it easy" rules in the process, though.)
Here's hoping for no thunder,
Jake (and resting Fergi-girl)
Storms should definitely scare you, if they don't you might be crazy! We just had one tonight and I hated it! It was a billion degrees outside then all of the sudden it started doing major lightning show then some thunders, BOOM! I hate them :(
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