I had a big surprise in the mail today! I got a package from Royal Mail and sent by airmail. Whoo, this is important stuff from across the pond, I think. The Customs declaration said it was Dog Toys and it was mailed on May 5, 2009! The sender's signature was not readable by either me or my Mom and no note inside.
It contained a cute little white ducky with orange bill and feets, a yellow rope toy, and a whole bag of

treetz! Whoooo! This is so nice. Here I am talking to the ducky, trying to find out who sent him to me so I can give a big THANK YOU! He is not talking, however.
So whoever sended me this package, should 'fess up and tell me. Now, neither me or my Mom is good at remembering things, and we don't win any contest or anything (except at Huffle's and we get Happy Hearts cookies for that!)
so remind us please why you have sent me this nice bag of pressies! Then we can give you a proper Thank You!

Solve the Monday Mystery, please and let us know who to thank!
I gots them toys too! I thinks i know who it be from because they crossed out Ludo van puppy on my address and put van mandog. hehe!
~lickies, Ludo
peeess; Stella, does you have feed thingies turned on cos I has tried to put you in my google reader mabobby twice now and it not worked. :(
'twasn't me!
I hope 'they' fess up bekhause that was furry nice!
I hope you can find your "Santa" , those are great presents!
Rufus and Indie
Me again!
I figured it out. If I'd left it up to Mum it'd never have got done. She was missing out the dot after www. *sigh*
oh yes, and she say thankyou for always commenting on Auntie Penny. You right, she discovering another puppyhood since I beed living here, though she not like me too much. she got a bit fat and lazy after Mum moved out and grandpawents don't like to let her off lead by themselves. She still as crazy as ever though.
Whoever sent them knows you are one special dog!
Jake and Fergi
This is quite a mystery! I hope you find out who it is. Enjoy your toys inbetween time!
Hugs & Snugs,
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
What an exciting mystery! Maybe you can enjoy some good chewing and squeaking while you do your detective work.
A secret admirer??? We love mysteries. Be sure to let us know if you solve it.
Woos, the OP Pack
I got one today!
I think I know too!
PeeEssWoo: I'd better get HOPPIN'!
Wow - lucky dogs getting treats :) Bell would be sooo excitered to get stuff like that. Her birthday is Sept. 9th though - so soon enough she'll get her barkday presents... :)
have fun w/the duck Stella.. my Bell girl has a HEDGEHOG that squeaks SHE ABSOLUTELY LOVES THE THING! Ever chewed a hedgehog?
Woooo. Mystery toys. Sounds like fun.
It is so wonderful to get surprises!!! So happy for every furrie!!!
hello stella its dennis the vizsla dog hay toys!!!! wunderful wunderful toys!!!! oh gosh i wish sumwun wood send me wunderful toys!!! toys toys toys -- wot??? oh dada sez peepul hav send me wunderful toys and i hav destroyd them wel that just meens i need more toys duznt it??? wot is yore poynt dada??? toys toys toys toys ok bye
Hi, Stella!
Sure it was a great surprise!
I hope the sender lets you know!
enjoy them!
Kisses and hugs
Hey Stella! We know who sent you that stuff....it was us! It was a small thank you for hosting Rambo the Rabbit all those weeks ago....and the stoopid hooman forgot to put cards in the parcels....she also thinks one of them went without treats as we had a spare bag left over....oops!
Hope you enjoy the goodies and thanks again!
Slobbers xx
oooh a mystery package!! you got some neat stuff, I hope the person who sends it lets you know!!
It wasn't me but I have ordered your Happy Hearts cookies so hopefully they'll arrive soon! Please share one with Ali Z :)
Huffle Mawson
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