We usually like wordless Wednesday but today we got some things to say and show you.
This is me, enjoying the outdoors. My Mom is hot for me to smile in my pics (she even put one on my header) so I gotta give her a big smile every time. But that is easy to do with my Mom.
Huffle asked me why Ali Z had to see her lawyer. We don't know, Huffle, and she will not tell us. You have been a great defender of Ali Z but we want you to understand, she is a little mentally defective. She used to go to a Catherapist but we don't think she does anymore and it doesn't seem to help her anyway. My Mom loves her and gives her everything she needs, and sometimes Ali Z is good and other times its just her way or no way. We are her third home, maybe that is part of it. I don't chase her anymore either. So if you have some suggestions for fixing her brain, please let us know. She refused to let my Mom take a picture of her this morning.
Up by my picture is some Sweet Woodruff we grow along side our house. It smells so wonderful and the flowers are so cute on it. It is the important ingredient used in May Wine. Where you dry out some leaves and then put it in with an inexpensive Rhine or German white wine, you can add strawberries and such. A nice way to welcome Spring! (Just for the humans, please, no pups should drink it!)
Have a nice day, its sposed to get to 80 degrees here today. Just what we wanted!
Nice smile!
I bet your mom's smile is like that after some of THAT nice AGJ!
Stay khool!
My furry BT pals in the other end of MinnieSoda were furry HOT yesterday! The temperature had a NINE in the first digit spot!
It was a toasty 97F here in the south yesterday. So we just had a lazy day in the pool. I think that is the plan for today too.
We've given up on trying to understand kitties.
Princess Eva
poor ali-z hahahaha!!! but stella, you look beautiful! what a gorgeous face! i think Guinness' eye is just his pigment--but i will take a closer look when i get home!
Stella! Please very very careful! I think you and your Mom are in a potentially tricky situation, sharing a house with a cat who is both not quite right in the head and likes visiting lawyers. You may both be in need of that delicious sounding wine!
Cheers, H.
PS I love your toothy smiles.
It nice to see you smile cos you has such a very nice one.
I think most cats be a bit er- different in the brain department, he.
~lickies, Ludo
pee ess: Oh yes, I will do thinkings of you whilst I play with my toys! Mum played a game today to list the American states, I told her to put mini snowda but they had it spelt wrong in the game, can yous believe it?
I think you look lovely with your smiely face Stella.
I'm sorry to hear that Ali Z is still unsettled. It took me a long time - nearly two years - to be comfortable in my house, because I'd spent a long time at the shelter and I was scared of everything. I had good days and bad days but now they are nearly all good days. I think patience is what's needed, from you and your mum. Hopefully she will settle down soon. The best think you can do is let her know she is loved and safe.
Huffle Mawson
Nice smile, Stella. What is that pretty white flower bush - Mom loves it.
woos, the OP Pack
Happy Wednesday Stella!
Sounds like Ali-Z is a troubled kitty!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Hello there Stella,
What handsome photos of you smiling!
Licks and Wags
Tuffy and the Dog Woods Pack
Hi Stella,
What a wonderful recipe, thanks for sharing. We love your big smile, and Mom especially wants to snuggle you up!
We are new to your blog, but we LOVE it! All the pictures and fun stories are so great! We hope we can be new friends with you all :) Please do stop by and visit us sometime if you will...we will definitely be back to visit you again!
Wags and woofs,
Benson and Gibson
You DO look really beautiful when you smile, Stella! And that plant looks good enough to eat! :) Ha roo roo roo!
Play bows,
Sounds like Ali might be part doofus, have you checked for a Doofus Dot??? I'd be careful if I were you Stella...
Stell - you're such a pretty girl!
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