Hi Evfurry buddy! I am happy to tell you my Mom has been in the Hospistal and she got home today! My sister in law Laura and Spencer's Dad Glen have been taking care of me and Ali Z. No surgery! She is so happy about that. She had some tests and they found ulcers in her stummick that she has to take some special medacine for and she is already very better. She thanks evfurry buddy for the warm wishes and wants you to know she is going to be sending the Paw It Forwards in the next week. Thank you for being patient, Ludo, Gus and Waldo! The picture is what our front yard looks like today! (back yard too!) While my Mom was gone we got a two day blizzard that brought us about 3, 740 inches of new snow! At the end of March, can you believe that? I hope winter has an ending for us soon, as much as I love the snow, I like grass too!
We have gotten a Kitty Hammock picture from the shelter that is not very chummy with our computer but we are working on that!
We will try to get the Kitty pix to work soon and be back with another letter. Thanks again for your very kind wishes.
Stella and Mom
As my mom and I pawed woo earlier today, we are SOOOOO happy woo all are okay!
We were skhared but will so sleep better tonight!
Please take khare of your mom!
Tell your mom not to scare us like that. We are so very glad that she is going to be OK and that you were well taken care of. Now go take good care of her and let's hope for no more snow.
Tail wags, the OP Pack
Poor mum - I'm so glad she's feeling better. You and Ali Z make sure you look after her now!
Huffle Mawson
We is so happy your Mom is ok. I has beed worried sick! I is glad she is lots better now. I has missed you lots. Phew, I has to echo what Khyra and the OP Pack said too. Tell her not to scare us like that again! You take good care of her.
I is having some growed up dog issues which could do with your wise advice, Stella. BOL!
~lickies, Ludo
YAY! Stella we are so glad your mommy doesn't have to get surgery! Give her some get well licks from us!
Still snow? Hope it gets warm soon. I'll be wishing you rays
Great to hear that your mom is home with you BUT you have to remind her to take care of herself and take her meds.
Princess Eva
Thank DOG your MOm is ok!! Those nasty ulcers, our Mom's Dad had a bunch too and they sure don't make you feel very good. We are so glad she is home with you. Now that stupid snow needs to melt!
Hi, Stella!
Glad to know your mom is at home and NO SURGERY for her!
Make sure she takes her meds to get better soon!
Kisses and hugs
Hooray! So pleased to hear your Mom is home, and not needing surgery. Now you take good care of her, remember.
Too bad about the snow though....
Cheers, H.
Hey sis! I am so glad to hear your Mom is better, or almost better. I;m sure you will get her feeling tip top now that she is home with you!
WOOOWOOOWOOO Dear Stella!!!!
we're very very happy that your mom is feeling better now and she doesn't have to get surgery!!!!!
Please....take care of her....she needs you now!!!!
all our paws are crossed for you and you and your mom are in our hearts!!!!
Give her some get well licks from us!!!!!
We love you!!!
and hope spring arriving asap for you!!!
Kisses and licks!!!
We iz so glad yur mommee iz okay!! Don't worree abowt da Paw It Forward. We iz just happee dat yur mom iz gowing to be jus fine! Mayk sure woo takes gud care of her, Stella!
Gus and Waldo
Ha roooo, your mom is home! That - and the no surgery - is EXCELLENT news!!!
Tail wags,
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