You know why I am excited? My Mom said she made a pointment for me at the Doggy Beauty Shop on Wednesday. She said I will get all trimmed up, on my legs and feets (she said my feets are so furry I am like walking on four spunges! Do you know what she means? I don't!) But what she says is that I will come out looking even more bea-woo-tiful than I am now. I can't hardly wait! When I come home I will have her use the flasher and send you my picture! Oh, I am so excited!
I told Mrs. Dughallmor in a comment that my Mom said I couldn't date like evfurry body seems to be doing because I am too young and I haven't worked hard enough on my commands and such. But Mrs. D. said I could because I wasn't too young at all. Dannan and I are bestest buddies but we are not, like dating or anything. I don't know what to think. I guess I will just mind my Mom (for once- Haw!) and work on commands for a while, go swimming this summer and have some local fun. I don't think I am ready for romance, although I did feel a little jelus when I saw my sister Kylie all snugged up with Ludo!
We still have mountains of snow, I can hardly read my peemail when we go walking, but its supposed to be mid 30s today with 15 mph winds so that will take it fast if we have a few days of it.
I hope evfurry buddy had a good weekend and you will see me again on Wednesday after my pointment, whooooeeee!
Evem MORE beaWOOtiful?
Oh my!
As fur the khommands thing, take it from me, not an issue!
In fakht, just do it! I do!
We can't wait to see the "after" picture since Brice says that you are very beautiful now. And you can believe him since he knows all the pretty girls.
I used to have a boyfriend but he only blogs every couple of months so I'm trying to decide if I should look for a new one.
Princess Eva
Stella, I think your mom might be hiding the fact that you're going to get a B-A-T-H. My mom did that to me yesterday. I do have to admit, I did look and feel even better afterwards.
Well Stella, to me you look quite beautiful enough already. But I guess it's that time of year. I had my Spring haircut last week and have been feeling rather chilly ever since. Let's hope thing go better for you!
Cheers, H.
we are excited toooooo!!!! HA-ROOOO!!!!
Woo! Take before and after pix, OK? I can't imagine you being more beautiful than you are now, though!
You're gonna be the most beautiful girl out there! Can't wait to see the photos.
Hi Ali Z!
Huffle Mawson
Hi, Stella!
I hope you have a great spa day!
Kisses and hugs
You are going to be even more beautiful sweetie!!
Can't wait to see your pictures!
Lots of Luv & Kisses
Addie and Lucie
Stella, you are already so very beautiful, we can't imagine how phenomenal you will be after your trip.
Thanks to you and your mom for the invite to your home. We especially love the idea of bedtime cookies.
Woos, the OP Pack
OMD!!!!! the beautiful Stella even more beautiful????
can't wait to see how you'll be GORGEOUS after your day at SPA!!!
We hate Spa days...but hope you'll love it!!!
We're sooooooooooooooo excited tooooo!!!!
We love you dear Stella and thasnks for your Sweet comments on our blog!!!
we're honored to have you as a friend!!!
We love you!!!!
Kisses and licks!!!
I don't know how you will get prettier. Tanner doesn't listen worth a darn and he is MARRIED!
Woo could not possiblee get more beewootiful!!
Gus and Waldo
Hey Stella!! :)
You will look so bootiful after a trimming. But be careful, there might be nasty old bath involved in that process!!
Who needs romance eh? I hasn't got romance in my furry life, but I has got two snugglable sisters who keep me company!! xxx
Awww Sis! I'm sorry you were jealous! I thought you and Dannan were an item! He sure is a very handsome little guy! Maybe you can play it single this summer and meet lots of boys and then settle down with a special boy over the winter! BOL I hope you have fun at the Spa. I'm too scared of strangers to go to the spa so Mommy does all of it for me. My Paws grow like weeds mommy says! She is always trimming them up! That's funny that us sisters are the same about that!!
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