Hi Pups and Kitties! Yesterday when my Mom was taking pictures of the nice presents the Dughallmor Beagles sent us the battery in our camera died! So we just posted what we could get yesterday. So here are two more things you can look at. The first one is me and a beautiful ribbon with the Dughallmor's name on it and MY name on the ribbon part. Its very special and I think I will hang it up over where I sleep. My Mom apologizes for the quality of this picture, but she says she has three more just like it! Then she goes "Arrrghh" or something like that.

Then the next picture is the letter from the donation they made, and the treats that they sent me. How I love treats! All us Pups do, don't we? Also everyone is happy for the donation. So here is another big thank you to Snoop, Alfie, Rosie, Gabbi and Nicky, their Mom

So you know we got a huge blizzard of more and more snow this week and except for the fact its sparkly white and clean, nobody likes it. If it all thaws at one time we will need boats to get around in!
What lukhky girrrrr woo are!
Woo had a blizzard??? We thought woo had to go to Dairy Queen to get one of those - he he he!! More snow, just not fair. So what happened to the ice?
Congrats on more wonderful pressies.
Tail wags, the OP Pack
Yay more pawsome piccures!
Even though snow is very good and I would like some here I was very hoping that yours would go like you wants.
Stella, I needs some lessons on how to be a growd up man dog and stop mum humiliating me. :(
~lickies, Ludo
Sounds like a good day all around to me!
Huffle Mawson
Hi Stella!! You beed very lucky to get all thems lovely presents!!!
Sorry to hear about all yours snows. Wonder if you can send it over to Khyra and all the other Sibes? xx
A blizzard? Yep, the only blizzards around here at at DQ, too. Although we DID get a little dusting of snow overnight. The weather people said we wouldn't but Ammy said we would. Ha. Ammy needs her own weather page; she's NEVER wrong.
Play bows,
please...take care of you and stay warm baby!!!!
and.....what a great pressies you had from Dughie!!!!
they are very special friends for us like you!!
and don't worry for the pictures....are wonderful!!!and you look sooooooooooooooooo cute!!!
have a great weekend dear friend!!!
lots of love and kisses!!!
WROOOOOOO, Sweet Stella! Those are pawsome pressies! And you are furry cute in the picture with the ribbon!
We just wuff the folks at Dughallmor. Your picture of the Beagles is beWROOtiful!
Sorry to hear about all the new snow. Ours is finally almost gone (at least at Nanny and Papa's house; back at our house, you wouldn't even know we've had a thaw), but The Girl hasn't taken a picture of it yet. Even though she told Ruby over a week ago that she would!
Brown dog kisses,
Hello Stella,
You must have been a good pup to get them pressies from The Dug Pack ...
We could do with some chill in my neck of the woods. Its swelteringly hot ... again!
Licks and Wags,
Tuffy of Dog Woods
Wow, you're still getting snow? It's in the fifties here. Thank you for stopping by and saying kind things about Hootie. My mom is very sad today so I am in her lap. I enjoyed looking at your presents.
love & wags,
I'm glad to see that someone else is facing the snow along with us! I think the same blizzard that visited us last week made its way down to you!
(By the way, my Sister looks just like you but gold colored...we think we is a lab or golden retriever crossed with a border collie!)
another blizzard?! it is supposed to be almost 90 degrees here this week, maybe if I point my fan in your direction the heat will make it there and melt all that stupid snow?
May Wine and Sweet Woodruff? I never heard of that but it sounds interesting!
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