Here is an Irish Blessing for St. Pat's Day we are sharing with all of you!
My Mom is Irish and she says this is her favorite: "God invented whiskey to keep the Irish from ruling the world". I don't get it though.
Happy Day to all of you,
Kisses from Stella and Mom
I love the embroidered piece! Did your mom stitch it?
My mom is ready to head out and khapture some beef to khorn fur My Doggy Nanny and her to have fur dinner!
Turbo has also taught us St Patrikhk is the patron saint of engineers!
Khyra O'Husky
PeeEssWoo: I think she should make us some Irish Potato Khandy!
Yes, my Mom says she stitched it 24 years ago as a present for her (late)Mother who was one of the Sullivan girls!
Happy St. Patrick's day. Don't eat too much cabbage.
That is a beautiful blessing - our Mom and Dad are both Irish too. Happy St. Paddy's Day to woo and Mom.
Tail wags, the OP Pack
Happy St Patty's day to Stella, Ali Z and the mum!
Huffle Mawson
Happy St. Patty's Day Sis!!!
Hi, Stella!
I am sure you had a Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Kisses and hugs
Happy St. Patrick's day Stella! Tell your mum those look like really nice kitty beds! She's a nice person to make them..
Your pal, Morgan
Happy St Paddy's Day Stella. You are so lucky to have such a talented Mom!
Cheers, H.
Happy St. Patrick's Day Stella, a little late, sorry! :(
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