I haven't written since last Thursday and we had a big snowstorm about that time, so the late comers to the blog all say "More Snow . . .what to do" and even Joe Stains offered to shine his fan toward us, allowing his 90 degree weather to thaw us fast!
So we have had no snow since, and our temps are in the 40s and we get a little wind all of which helps the snow to melt. Here is a picture of me, on our little backporch which is finally snow free and I can lay on it without freezing my belly! HAW! I can see somethings from here and one of them is the paperboy footprints look like they are getting shallower. When they were first there, they were very deep!

A couple of fun things to see this week and one was Hamish, the little Westie who lives in Scotland who drove over to go for a walk with the Dughallmor Beagles. What a totally neat thing!
The second thing is that it is Stormy of the Army of Four who is having an anniversary of the day her Mom and Dad came to get her from a family who didn't want her. Can you imagine anybody who wouldn't want Stormy, I sure can't!
I hope you are all having a happy weekend. My Mom is busy doing some special things but we might get some walk time in pretty soon.
Khongrats on the almost Spring thaw!
I really did want that snow woo didn't want!
Happy Porching!
Almost spring! And we're getting colder weather here. I hope Ali Z isn't too cold in all that snow. She can come over and share my possum blanket if she likes.
Huffle Mawson
Yay Sis, you're getting down to the last of the snow. We are pretty cleared out and my lake is even unfrozen!! Mom SHOULD be posting pictures soon...
Hi, Stella!
Thankfully spring is almost here!
My mom made cookies for me once and they were like rocks! I could not eat them! I wonder if she used cement instead of flour!
Have a good night
Kisses and hugs
If you are losing your snow, we have no hope now. Bummer (but happy for you).
At least your mom tried to make treats. Our mom is defective and doesn't even try!
Princess Eva
Yay, almost spring for you too! It is here already. Better luck with the cookies next time. The trick is to start barking when they start smelling nice, then you know they is done.
~lickies, Ludo
You're so sweet, Stella! Thank you for your kind words!
It's going to be 77 here today - can you believe that!??!
Tail wags,
WOOOWOOWOOOO dear stella!!!!
Amost Spring!!!!!
we're soo sorry for your biscuits...nesxt time your mom will give you double portion!!!WAAWAAWWAAAAA!!!
we love you and your photos...you look soooooooooooo cute and gorgeous!!!!
have a great spring week!!!!!!!
kisses and licks!!!!!!!!!
Hi Stella
I was feeling sorry for you, stuck inside with all that snow, but then I learned that you have a Mom who bakes you dog cookies! Well too bad that they burned this time, but I'm sure she'll try again. Maybe you could make note of the time they go in the oven and start barking when they smell done?
I sure had fun with the beagles on Saturday. What a shame you don't live closer.
Cheers, Hamish.
It was so much fun meeting Hamish....what a gent! We wish we could meet more of our blogging buddies :o) Hope your snow continues to melt....and your Mom continues to bake for you....(perhaps an oven timer, Jo? Hehe!)
Meant to say....the ribbon on your rosette is clan Anderson genuine woven tartan, should really have been Royal Stewart but I happened to have Anderson in my box and I love it!
Slobbers xx
omdog I am going to keep on trying to send you some heat my friend!! It is 82 degrees here right now!!
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